How to improve accessability and render more efficient the services provided to the public while at the same time optimizing them for the latest online technologies and trends.
the idea
AMA Roma undertakes wast management for the entire Rome metropolitan area. The aim was to create an information rich website accessible to all and render its services literally in the palm of its citizens hands. A simple structure with easy to understand content, up-to-date technologies, together with the option of communicating directly with the company were the guiding principles.
the execution
A complete break with the old website with a new design and development from scratch. Creation of an online services section to help reduce waiting times for certain services and avoid the need for in-person requests.
Creation of a dedicated mobile website with functions and characteristics specifically developed for handheld devices and able to respond to the latest demands of up-to-date web users.
New features added that were previously absent:
- multimedia content (photos, videos)
- web apps integrated with Google Maps
- integration with social networks

Local Neighborhood Services
A web app integrated with Google Maps to help find all the services of AMA in an area defined by the user.

Online Services
Section where users can register and request certain services as well as manage the billing of their council rates.

Dove si Butta
Graphical interface, connected to a database, to search for whatever type of waste and how/where to dispose of it correctly.

Section dedicated to multimedia content (photos, videos, news) and integrated with the main social networks.

AMA Mobile
Dedicated mobile website optimized for handheld devices with geolocalization functionality.
the results
- BICA 2010
Borsa Internazionale della Comunicazione Ambientale (Italian Environmental Protection Authority)
1° Prize
Web Communication category
i numeri
- 141.832 unique visits per month
- 150 online requests daily (10% increase)
- an average of 250 new users registering daily for the online services section (March 2012)
- Up to 44,000 pages visited per month
- Average time spent on website 5.43 minutes, up from 1.20 minutes
- 11,000 unique visitors and 17,612 page hits for the mobile version in only 2 weeks